Save money with a refillable cup.
I admit it, I am a Diet Dr Pepper addict. When I'm really trying to save my pennies, I search my Sunday circulars and coupons and buy my favorite drink at the cheapest store, and keep it in the fridge. However, this doesn't cut it for me. I love my drink, but what I love even more is having my favorite drink, on ice, in a cup, with a straw. And preferably in a cup that won't spill in the car. (My worst habit? I am incapable of driving more than 2 miles without a cold drink with me. Doesn't matter what the drink is, as long as it is cold, on ice, and has a straw.) Years ago I learned the frugality of refilling my drinks at gas station soda fountains, or bringing along my own can. But I find that gas station cups are freakishly large and both don't fit in my cupholders, and cause bladder problems 10 minutes down the road. Oh, and I never finish the drink before it goes flat and nasty.
On weeks where I go to the gas station to buy a drink I spend $1.79 on the first cup, and then on average $0.79 twice a day ($1.58) five days a week. The math-I spend $9.59 on my caffeine habit a week. Which on my tight budget, is just too much.
Enter my new beloved Copco Cup
Since then I have returned to my habit of buying cheap 24 packs of cokes on sale, and filling up my cup at home. That costs me approximately $4.99 a week. Maybe a little more with sales tax.
Savings difference of $4.60. Add in the cost of the cup at $7.99, and basically this little Copco Cup paid itself off in under 2 weeks. And saves me roughly $18.40 a month on my caffeine habit.
Not too shabby! Save money and go green all at the same time.
And bonus, today as I was searching for images of this cup, I found this blog- More Green for Less Green - reviewing the same product!